A Japanese haiku:
Too brief or to not
A brevity boxed but
Prez stopped buck not
An American ditty:
A Tea Party set
Pourage spilled like milked
His saucer ring down
la la la la la
HC of SoS fried
Rice of UN steamed
A Salemesque:
Her brew his hop‘d
Toiled past stewed boiled
Bitter their there beer
A Concordian Him:
Tis palpitations
Bridged so poorly - socked
Benghazi Benghazi - FOUR
A sure of Tripoli:
Green as yellow - ghosts
Obama Clinton Rice - Rats
Deserts’ deserters
O logic calls:
Syllogisms cut
Conclusions shrapneled huts
Premises doth bust
J. P. Hogan
[original to here time and date above certain and near - first draft]
[query: If I didn’t actually manage a 5-7-5 you will let me know?]