the apex of the nadir
a dregs of the tea leaves
or some pits of a well bottom.
these epochs of a lost era
a diminution maximus
o’er homes - ghosts alive o’ clintons.
lost lots loosed - shenanigans
o’er mulligans - o’er sham ways
suppositions - preposterousness.
to kick it? - to trust?
trouble like an eco albatross
ruinous’d - a clinton date
ubiquitous - their derivatives gambit
times - o’ a peanut gallery
humbled housing horror stories.
zenger zingers - truths lost
episodal o’ so like missing tapes
naughty, naughty - eco pimpin’.
z to a - a to z - the ball placed
epochal equinimity lost placing
nice not - a coal o’ our 90s.
o - beat - a contrary mad’ning
refrain - refrain - wise up
doubters - debaters - rememberers
assets set asunder - kicked?
injurious to our prides
noted - notes & deeds depleted.
beyond the nadir - a 90s apex
evermore - now so less - lessened
about so quietly coquettishly
troubled sets - biased kicks?
at such losses - b&h gains
to doubt - debate - remember.
brambles o’ peanuts passed
untold lies - covered - un-set
severous’d notes & deeds peak’d
to be - to be or not - bust o’ b&h.
trouble like an eco albatross
ruinous - a clinton date
ubiquitous - their derivatives gambit
times - o’ peanut gallery
humbled housing horror stories.
obama - placed balls o’ b&h.
miled manored - fog o’ spectacles
altered historicals not hillarious
to be not hysterical - wise up
hath a wrath upon b&h math?
now you see it - now you don’t
a play - a con - on lost lots
ubiquitous - their derivatives
ghastly their ghoulish punts
hillarious no more - nor hysterical
to be b&h punk’d - no more -
yule times these - o’s lincoln logs.
lost lots loosed - mulligans?
o’er shenanigans - o’er b&h ways
suppositions - preposterousness.
to kick it? - to trust?
serious o’ nadirs maxed
under b&h skies - orbits set
busts by design - hands o derivs
simple the corruptions - a lucy;
culled - seeds - a ball not a ball
ripe o you should be - charlie
ipso facto - ipso jure
barack hussein obama - a clinton?
evermore - together they set it -
doubters - debaters - rememberers.
unfair - unfair - unfair
so by the derivatives - hands o’ o b&h
assimilations - a mad’ning un-set.
oh charlie - to trust?
homes - notes & deeds - a ball?
meagerly - a melancholy - not
yes - yes - naughty - o’s clinton knot.
obama - placed balls o’ b&h.
obama - some more
beat a beat by b&h - contrary
a ball to punk’d - to busted
math - o’ brass - loosy lies
assimilations - a mad’ning un-set!
J.P. Hogan
[pen on paper 1st this day -10:15 - 11:40 am]